Evony Guide: Best Mounted / Cavalry Generals

Complete guide and analysis on the best mounted attacking, defending and bosses generals in Evony The King's Return

Last Updated: 2 years ago

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Mounted Generals in Evony TKR

Mounted generals are the best generals for Evony bosses as well as leading the charge against a ground march.

The most powerful mounted generals have high attack, hp and defense stats. This comes from both their skills/specialities and their attributes (leadership, attack and defense). The best natural attribute for the cavalry type is in their high attack, speed and generally good overall stats.

There are a couple of different types of mounted or cavalry generals, one for leading a boss rally march, one for leading a mounted PvP march and one for defending your city.

Most people do not use cavalry generals as the primary type to defend their city in the medium or late game. However, there are end game cases where a cavalry heavy defense can absolutely crush your opponent.

Mounted, because of its ability to counter ground marches, do serve as an important PvP force in Evony. Many use their boss rally generals as their PvP mounted generals, given that the refines on the gear and attributes are good for the mounted type.

This guide covers all the best types of cavalry generals in Evony TKR. We've analyzed each Evony general, tabulated all of their mounted buffs for every skill and specialty, and even accounted for their attributes (attack, defense, leadership) when they are level 35.

Each section below lists the best cavalry generals by their function, including all the stats and buffs.

Best Attacking Mounted Generals in Evony

The best attacking Mounted generals in Evony TKR are Ii Naomasa, Prince Eugene, Mordred, Hannibal, and Zhao Yun.

For attacking cavalry generals, you must have high buffs in attack, HP and defense (in that order). This is to capitalize on mounted's natural strengths (attack, HP and speed). They need to be powerful enough to reach the enemy, and have high enough attack to hit hard.

A mounted march with high buffs will crush ground marches, but lose to buffed ranged marches. It's almost a catastrophic power loss to go against a well buffed ranged march with mounted, since they will be killed before having a chance to reach the enemy.

Below, we take a look at comparison between the top 5 cavalry attacking generals.

The table shows mounted buffs from general skills/specialities. It also shows the total mounted buffs from that general's attributes when leveled up to 35 - taking into account their attack, defense, leadership and politics attributes.

Attack (Skills) Defense (Skills) HP (Skills) Attack (Attr + Skills) Defense (Attr + Skills) HP (Attr + Skills)
Ii Naomasa 60% 20% 95%
147.7% 106.4% 183.1%
Prince Eugene 90% 45% 35% 176.7% 132.4% 121.9%
Mordred 110% 50%
10% 196.7% 138.2%
Hannibal 101% 10% 56% 186.5% 93.4% 145.4%
Zhao Yun 105% 20% 40% 193.1% 108.3% 127%

1. Ii Naomasa

Skills for Ii Naomasa

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Defense
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Suppress
    • Enemy Troop HP : -10%
  • Siege of Odawara (4th)
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 25%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 35%
  • Red Demon (Special Skill)
    • Increases mounted troops' attack by 25% and mounted troops' HP by 40% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Ii Naomasa.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Ii Naomasa has the following stats:
Attack: 1377 Defense: 1364 Leadership: 1381 Politics: 1330

2. Prince Eugene

Skills for Prince Eugene

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Formation
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Annihilation
    • March Size Capacity : 6%
    • Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack : 10%
  • Ode to Knight (4th)
    • Mounted Troop HP : 15%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 25%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 15%
  • Battle of Zenta (Special Skill)
    • Increases mounted troops' attack by 35% and mounted troops' defense and HP by 10% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Prince Eugene.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Prince Eugene has the following stats:
Attack: 1367 Defense: 1374 Leadership: 1369 Politics: 1345

3. Mordred

Image of Evony General - Mordred

Skills for Mordred

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Formation
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Battle of Camlann (4th)
    • Marching Mounted Troop Attack : 40%
  • Knight of Treachery (Special Skill)
    • Increases mounted troops' attack by 40% and increases ground troops and mounted troops' defense by 30% when General is leading the army to attack.

View detailed analysis for Mordred.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Mordred has the following stats:
Attack: 1367 Defense: 1382 Leadership: 1372 Politics: 1329

4. Hannibal

Image of Evony General - Hannibal

Skills for Hannibal

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Assault
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Battle of Cannae (4th)
    • Marching Mounted Troop Attack : 36%
    • Marching Mounted Troop HP : 36%
  • Master of Strategy (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops and mounted troops' attack by 15% and increases mounted troops' attack by another 20% when General is leading the army to attack.

View detailed analysis for Hannibal.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Hannibal has the following stats:
Attack: 1355 Defense: 1334 Leadership: 1394 Politics: 1296

5. Zhao Yun

Image of Evony General - Zhao Yun
Zhao Yun

Skills for Zhao Yun

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Formation
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Annihilation
    • March Size Capacity : 6%
    • Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack : 10%
  • Battle of Han River (4th)
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 45%
  • Undefeatable General (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops and mounted troops' attack by 30% and increases mounted troops' HP by 30% when General is leading the army to attack.

View detailed analysis for Zhao Yun.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Zhao Yun has the following stats:
Attack: 1381 Defense: 1383 Leadership: 1370 Politics: 1316

Honorable Mentions for Attacking Mounted

George A. Custer Martinus Bertrand du Guesclin

Best Defending Mounted Generals in Evony

The best defending Mounted generals in Evony TKR are Ii Naomasa, Queen Boudica, and Washington.

For defensive mounted generals, cavalry buffs are important, but it really helps to have other type buffs in addition to mounted buffs.

This is because your defense general will not be leading a type specific march, but rather leading the entire army in your city. One potential secondary buff for a mounted defense general is ground, another could be ranged.

Secondary ground can help counter ranged marches against your city, and ranged will also help counter other ranged types. However, if your defensive general has primarily mounted buffs, other type buffs are likely to be much lower, making those counters less effective.

The table below shows the total mounted buffs of the best cavarly defense generals, as well as secondary type buffs they may have.

Mounted Other
Attack (Skills) Defense (Skills) HP (Skills) Attack (Attr + Skills) Defense (Attr + Skills) HP (Attr + Skills) Other Buffs
Ii Naomasa 60% 20% 95%
147.7% 106.4% 183.1%
Ground : 0%
Ranged : 0%
Siege : 0%
Queen Boudica 92%
10% 71% 176%
92.3% 156.5% Ground : 31%
Ranged : 6%
Siege : 6%
Washington 81% 36%
10% 155.6% 111.3%
91.6% Ground : 10%
Ranged : 0%
Siege : 0%

1. Ii Naomasa

Skills for Ii Naomasa

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Defense
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Suppress
    • Enemy Troop HP : -10%
  • Siege of Odawara (4th)
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 25%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 35%
  • Red Demon (Special Skill)
    • Increases mounted troops' attack by 25% and mounted troops' HP by 40% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Ii Naomasa.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Ii Naomasa has the following stats:
Attack: 1377 Defense: 1364 Leadership: 1381 Politics: 1330

2. Queen Boudica

Skills for Queen Boudica

  • Mounted Troop Defense
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Defensive
    • Hospital Capacity : 10%
    • In-city Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • War God
    • All Troops Attack : 6%
  • Battle of Watling Street (4th)
    • In City Mounted Troop Attack : 46%
    • In City Mounted Troop HP : 46%
  • Rebel Leader (Special Skill)
    • Increases in city ground troops and mounted troops' HP by 15% and in city mounted troops' attack by 30% when General is the Main City Defense General.

View detailed analysis for Queen Boudica.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Queen Boudica has the following stats:
Attack: 1340 Defense: 1323 Leadership: 1355 Politics: 1346

3. Washington

Image of Evony General - Washington

Skills for Washington

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Formation
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Revolutionary War (4th)
    • The death-turning-wounded rate of troops when they are attacking : 6%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 16%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 16%
  • Revolution (Special Skill)
    • Increases Mounted Troop Attack by 35% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Washington.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Washington has the following stats:
Attack: 1246 Defense: 1253 Leadership: 1316 Politics: 1282

Best Monsters Mounted Generals in Evony

The best monsters Mounted generals in Evony TKR are Aethelflaed, Ii Naomasa, Prince Eugene, Mordred, and Hannibal.

Mounted is the best type for hunting bosses or monsters.

Because of their high attack, speed and overall attributes, they are efficient and powerful at taking down bosses.

Mounted boss generals are likely the first gold, epic general many people acquire, cultivate and power up. The best mounted generals for bosses are very similar to the best mounted generals for attacking PvP.

Attack (Skills) Defense (Skills) HP (Skills) Attack (Attr + Skills) Defense (Attr + Skills) HP (Attr + Skills)
Aethelflaed 95% 95%
10% 179.9% 183.6%
Ii Naomasa 60% 20% 95%
147.7% 106.4% 183.1%
Prince Eugene 90% 45% 35% 176.7% 132.4% 121.9%
Mordred 110% 50% 10% 196.7% 138.2% 97.2%
Hannibal 101% 10% 56% 186.5% 93.4% 145.4%

1. Aethelflaed

Image of Evony General - Aethelflaed

Skills for Aethelflaed

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Hunter
    • When attacking Monsters, Monsters Attack : -15%
  • Fortune
    • Double Items Drop Rate from Monsters : 15%
  • Lord of the Mercians (4th)
    • Ground and Mounted Troop Attack on Monsters : 30%
    • When attacking Monsters, Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Defense : 30%
  • Lady of the Mercians (Special Skill)
    • Increases mounted troops' attack and defense by 55% when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.

View detailed analysis for Aethelflaed.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Aethelflaed has the following stats:
Attack: 1349 Defense: 1386 Leadership: 1368 Politics: 1327

2. Ii Naomasa

Skills for Ii Naomasa

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Defense
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Suppress
    • Enemy Troop HP : -10%
  • Siege of Odawara (4th)
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 25%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 35%
  • Red Demon (Special Skill)
    • Increases mounted troops' attack by 25% and mounted troops' HP by 40% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Ii Naomasa.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Ii Naomasa has the following stats:
Attack: 1377 Defense: 1364 Leadership: 1381 Politics: 1330

3. Prince Eugene

Skills for Prince Eugene

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Formation
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Annihilation
    • March Size Capacity : 6%
    • Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack : 10%
  • Ode to Knight (4th)
    • Mounted Troop HP : 15%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 25%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 15%
  • Battle of Zenta (Special Skill)
    • Increases mounted troops' attack by 35% and mounted troops' defense and HP by 10% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Prince Eugene.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Prince Eugene has the following stats:
Attack: 1367 Defense: 1374 Leadership: 1369 Politics: 1345

4. Mordred

Image of Evony General - Mordred

Skills for Mordred

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Formation
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Battle of Camlann (4th)
    • Marching Mounted Troop Attack : 40%
  • Knight of Treachery (Special Skill)
    • Increases mounted troops' attack by 40% and increases ground troops and mounted troops' defense by 30% when General is leading the army to attack.

View detailed analysis for Mordred.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Mordred has the following stats:
Attack: 1367 Defense: 1382 Leadership: 1372 Politics: 1329

5. Hannibal

Image of Evony General - Hannibal

Skills for Hannibal

  • Mounted Troop Ares
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Assault
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Battle of Cannae (4th)
    • Marching Mounted Troop Attack : 36%
    • Marching Mounted Troop HP : 36%
  • Master of Strategy (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops and mounted troops' attack by 15% and increases mounted troops' attack by another 20% when General is leading the army to attack.

View detailed analysis for Hannibal.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Hannibal has the following stats:
Attack: 1355 Defense: 1334 Leadership: 1394 Politics: 1296

Honorable Mentions for Monsters Mounted

Zhao Yun George A. Custer Martinus

Best Troops Mounted Generals in Evony

The best troops Mounted general in Evony TKR is Bertrand du Guesclin.

Attack (Skills) Defense (Skills) HP (Skills) Attack (Attr + Skills) Defense (Attr + Skills) HP (Attr + Skills)
Bertrand du Guesclin 80% 30% 40% 167.1% 116.4% 127%

1. Bertrand du Guesclin

Skills for Bertrand du Guesclin

  • Mounted Troop Defense
    • Mounted Troop HP : 10%
    • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Strike
    • March Speed : 10%
    • Marching Mounted Troop Attack : 20%
  • Unparalleled Leader
    • The death-turning-wounded rate of troops when they are attacking : 10%
  • Battle of Pontvallain (4th)
    • Mounted Troop Attack : 25%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 30%
  • The Eagle of Brittany (Special Skill)
    • The mounted troops' attack by 35% and increases ground troops and mounted troops' defense by 20% when General is leading the army to attack.

View detailed analysis for Bertrand du Guesclin.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Bertrand du Guesclin has the following stats:
Attack: 1371 Defense: 1364 Leadership: 1370 Politics: 1340