Evony Guide: Best Ground Generals

Complete guide and analysis on the best ground attacking, defending and monsters generals in Evony The King's Return

Last Updated: 2 years ago

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Ground Generals in Evony TKR

Ground generals lead tanky and powerful PvP forces in Evony The Kings Return. They provide the best counter to archers or ranged heavy cities or buildings.

The most powerful ground generals have high HP, defense and attack stats. This comes from both their skills/specialities and their attributes (leadership, attack and defense). The best natural attribute for the ground type is in their high HP and defense stats.

There are a couple of different types of ground generals, one leading a PvP attacking march, and another for defending your city. Ground, because of its tankiness, also serve as decent boss rally generals, second only to cavalry.

Ground, because of its ability to counter ranged marches, serve as a powerful defensive force in Evony PvP. Many players favor a ground heavy medium to late game defense strategy.

This guide covers all the best types of ground generals in Evony TKR. We've analyzed each Evony general, tabulated all of their ground buffs for every skill and specialty, and even accounted for their attributes (attack, defense, leadership) when they are level 35.

Each section below lists the best ground generals by their function, including all the stats and buffs.

Best Attacking Ground Generals in Evony

The best attacking ground generals in Evony TKR are Ludwig, Scipio Africanus, Elise, Alessandra, and Trajan.

For attacking ground generals, you must have high buffs in HP, defense and attack (in that order). This is to capitalize on ground's natural strengths (HP and Defense). They need to be tanky enough to take damage to reach the enemy before they are picked off at a distance.

Below, we take a look at the table comparison between the top 5 ground attacking generals.

The table shows ground buffs from general skills/specialities. It also shows the total ground buffs from that general's attributes when leveled up to 35 - taking into account their attack, defense, leadership and politics attributes.

Attack (Skills) Defense (Skills) HP (Skills) Attack (Attr + Skills) Defense (Attr + Skills) HP (Attr + Skills)
Ludwig 100%
60% 188.3%
Scipio Africanus 60% 36% 86%
143.9% 124.1% 169.2%
Elise 90% 10% 80% 178.4% 96.3% 169.1%
Alessandra 80% 20% 80% 166.5% 108.6% 167.2%
Trajan 61% 25% 56% 138.3% 113.5% 145.8%

1. Ludwig

Image of Evony General - Ludwig

Skills for Ludwig

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Formation
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
  • Annihilation
    • March Size Capacity : 6%
    • Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack : 10%
  • Principality Commander (4th)
    • Ground Troop HP : 25%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 30%
    • Ground Troop Defense : 25%
  • North Frostwolf (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops' attack by 15% when General is leading the army to attack. Increases ground troops' attack, defense and HP by 25% when General brings any dragon to attack.

View detailed analysis for Ludwig.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Ludwig has the following stats:
Attack: 1383 Defense: 1387 Leadership: 1363 Politics: 1320

2. Scipio Africanus

Skills for Scipio Africanus

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Annihilation
    • March Size Capacity : 6%
    • Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack : 10%
  • Battle of Zama (4th)
    • The death-turning-wounded rate of troops when they are attacking : 10%
    • Marching Ground Troop HP : 26%
    • Marching Ground Troop Defense : 26%
  • Conqueror (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops' attack by 30% and increases ground troops' HP by 40% when General is leading the army to attack.

View detailed analysis for Scipio Africanus.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Scipio Africanus has the following stats:
Attack: 1339 Defense: 1381 Leadership: 1332 Politics: 1356

3. Elise

Image of Evony General - Elise

Skills for Elise

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Dragontamer (4th)
    • Ground Troop Attack : 30%
    • Ground Troop HP : 30%
  • Dragon's Song (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops and mounted troops' HP by 30% when General is leading the army to attack. Increases ground troops' attack by 30% when General brings any dragon.

View detailed analysis for Elise.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Elise has the following stats:
Attack: 1384 Defense: 1363 Leadership: 1391 Politics: 1311

4. Alessandra

Skills for Alessandra

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Defense
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Wild Hunt Valkyrie (4th)
    • Ground Troop Attack : 30%
    • Ground Troop HP : 30%
  • Eagle of Snowfield (Special Skill)
    • Increases the March Size by 8% and ground troops' attack and HP by 30% when General is leading the army to attack.

View detailed analysis for Alessandra.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Alessandra has the following stats:
Attack: 1365 Defense: 1386 Leadership: 1372 Politics: 1328

5. Trajan

Image of Evony General - Trajan

Skills for Trajan

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Dacian Wars (4th)
    • March Size Capacity : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 16%
    • Ground Troop HP : 16%
  • Praetorian Guard (Special Skill)
    • Increases your ground troops' attack and defense by 15%, as well as ground troops' HP by 20% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Trajan.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Trajan has the following stats:
Attack: 1273 Defense: 1385 Leadership: 1398 Politics: 1318

Honorable Mentions for Attacking Ground

Guan Yu Carus Maeda Toshiie

Best Defending Ground Generals in Evony

The best defending ground generals in Evony TKR are Leonidas I, Trajan, Robert the Bruce, Peter the Great, and Oda Nobunaga.

For defensive ground generals, ground attributes and buffs are also very important, but it helps to have other type buffs in addition to ground buffs.

This is because your defense general will not be leading a type specific march, but rather leading the entire army in your city. One potential secondary buff for a ground defense general is mounted, another could be ranged.

Mounted is a good secondary buff to ground, since no matter what, your cavalry will run out during the defense of the city and likely get themselves killed first. However, in very late game, you can dominate with a defensive PvP strategy that pushes both ground and cavalry buffs.

The table below shows the total ground buffs of the best ground defense generals, as well as secondary type buffs they may have.

Ground Other
Attack (Skills) Defense (Skills) HP (Skills) Attack (Attr + Skills) Defense (Attr + Skills) HP (Attr + Skills) Other Buffs
Leonidas I 90%
10% 50% 173.4%
101.1% 138.5% Ranged : 25%
Mounted : 10%
Siege : 0%
Trajan 61% 25% 56% 138.3% 113.5%
145.8% Mounted : 10%
Ranged : 0%
Siege : 0%
Robert the Bruce 66% 60%
151% 87% 147.3%
Mounted : 81%
Ranged : 6%
Siege : 6%
Peter the Great 20% 30%
55% 97.1% 111.7% 145.1% Mounted : 10%
Ranged : 0%
Siege : 0%
Oda Nobunaga 71% 30% 145.8% 76.9% 116.6% Mounted : 6%
Ranged : 6%
Siege : 6%

1. Leonidas I

Image of Evony General - Leonidas I
Leonidas I

Skills for Leonidas I

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Defensive
    • Hospital Capacity : 10%
    • In-city Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Battle of Thermopylae (4th)
    • Ground Troop Attack : 30%
    • Enemy Mounted Troop Attack : -30%
  • The 300 Spartans (Special Skill)
    • Increases in-city ground troops' attack and HP by 30%, and in-city ranged troops' attack by 25% when General is the Main City Defense General.

View detailed analysis for Leonidas I.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Leonidas I has the following stats:
Attack: 1334 Defense: 1411 Leadership: 1385 Politics: 1307

2. Trajan

Image of Evony General - Trajan

Skills for Trajan

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Dacian Wars (4th)
    • March Size Capacity : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 16%
    • Ground Troop HP : 16%
  • Praetorian Guard (Special Skill)
    • Increases your ground troops' attack and defense by 15%, as well as ground troops' HP by 20% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Trajan.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Trajan has the following stats:
Attack: 1273 Defense: 1385 Leadership: 1398 Politics: 1318

3. Robert the Bruce

Skills for Robert the Bruce

  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • War God
    • All Troops Attack : 6%
  • Battle of Bannockburn (4th)
    • In-city Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 25%
    • In-city Ground Troop and Mounted Troop HP : 25%
  • Indomitable Battleaxe (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops and mounted troops' attack by 15% and increases ground troops' HP by 25% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Robert the Bruce.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Robert the Bruce has the following stats:
Attack: 1350 Defense: 1370 Leadership: 1373 Politics: 1339

4. Peter the Great

Skills for Peter the Great

  • Ground Troop Formation
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • King's Ambition
    • Troop death into troop soul rate in the main city : 10%
  • Great Northern War (4th)
    • Ground Troop Defense : 20%
    • Ground Troop HP : 20%
  • Great Reformation (Special Skill)
    • Increases Ground Troop HP by 35% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Peter the Great.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Peter the Great has the following stats:
Attack: 1271 Defense: 1317 Leadership: 1401 Politics: 1370

5. Oda Nobunaga

Skills for Oda Nobunaga

  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Sabotage
    • Enemy Troop Defense : -10%
  • War God
    • All Troops Attack : 6%
  • Battle of Okehazama (4th)
    • Ground Troop Attack : 20%
    • Ground Troop HP : 20%
  • Tenka Fubu (Special Skill)
    • Increases Ground Troop Attack by 35% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Oda Nobunaga.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Oda Nobunaga has the following stats:
Attack: 1248 Defense: 1269 Leadership: 1366 Politics: 1306

Honorable Mentions for Defending Ground

Oda Oichi

Best Monsters Ground Generals in Evony

The best monsters ground generals in Evony TKR are Ludwig, Scipio Africanus, and Elise.

Ground is the second strongest type for hunting bosses or monsters.

Because of their high HP and defense, they can take quite a bit of damage before being killed or wounded. Some people run smaller rallies with their ground march.

Attack (Skills) Defense (Skills) HP (Skills) Attack (Attr + Skills) Defense (Attr + Skills) HP (Attr + Skills)
Ludwig 100%
60% 188.3%
Scipio Africanus 60% 36% 86%
143.9% 124.1% 169.2%
Elise 90% 10% 80% 178.4% 96.3% 169.1%
Alessandra 80% 20% 80% 166.5% 108.6% 167.2%
Trajan 61% 25% 56% 138.3% 113.5% 145.8%

1. Ludwig

Image of Evony General - Ludwig

Skills for Ludwig

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Formation
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
  • Annihilation
    • March Size Capacity : 6%
    • Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack : 10%
  • Principality Commander (4th)
    • Ground Troop HP : 25%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 30%
    • Ground Troop Defense : 25%
  • North Frostwolf (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops' attack by 15% when General is leading the army to attack. Increases ground troops' attack, defense and HP by 25% when General brings any dragon to attack.

View detailed analysis for Ludwig.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Ludwig has the following stats:
Attack: 1383 Defense: 1387 Leadership: 1363 Politics: 1320

2. Scipio Africanus

Skills for Scipio Africanus

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Annihilation
    • March Size Capacity : 6%
    • Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack : 10%
  • Battle of Zama (4th)
    • The death-turning-wounded rate of troops when they are attacking : 10%
    • Marching Ground Troop HP : 26%
    • Marching Ground Troop Defense : 26%
  • Conqueror (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops' attack by 30% and increases ground troops' HP by 40% when General is leading the army to attack.

View detailed analysis for Scipio Africanus.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Scipio Africanus has the following stats:
Attack: 1339 Defense: 1381 Leadership: 1332 Politics: 1356

3. Elise

Image of Evony General - Elise

Skills for Elise

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Dragontamer (4th)
    • Ground Troop Attack : 30%
    • Ground Troop HP : 30%
  • Dragon's Song (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops and mounted troops' HP by 30% when General is leading the army to attack. Increases ground troops' attack by 30% when General brings any dragon.

View detailed analysis for Elise.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Elise has the following stats:
Attack: 1384 Defense: 1363 Leadership: 1391 Politics: 1311

Honorable Mentions for Monsters Ground

Alessandra Trajan Guan Yu

Best Troops Ground Generals in Evony

The best troops ground generals in Evony TKR are Elise, Guan Yu, and Epaminondas.

Attack (Skills) Defense (Skills) HP (Skills) Attack (Attr + Skills) Defense (Attr + Skills) HP (Attr + Skills)
Elise 90%
96.3% 169.1%
Guan Yu 60% 10%
70% 147.9% 97.6% 158.6%
Epaminondas 60% 10%
65% 146.7% 98.4%

1. Elise

Image of Evony General - Elise

Skills for Elise

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Dragontamer (4th)
    • Ground Troop Attack : 30%
    • Ground Troop HP : 30%
  • Dragon's Song (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops and mounted troops' HP by 30% when General is leading the army to attack. Increases ground troops' attack by 30% when General brings any dragon.

View detailed analysis for Elise.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Elise has the following stats:
Attack: 1384 Defense: 1363 Leadership: 1391 Politics: 1311

2. Guan Yu

Image of Evony General - Guan Yu
Guan Yu

Skills for Guan Yu

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Annihilation
    • March Size Capacity : 6%
    • Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack : 10%
  • Battle of Fancheng (4th)
    • Marching Ground Troop HP : 30%
    • Marching Mounted Troop Attack : 20%
  • Saint of War (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops' attack by 30% and increases ground troops and mounted troops' HP by 20% when General is leading the army to attack.

View detailed analysis for Guan Yu.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Guan Yu has the following stats:
Attack: 1379 Defense: 1376 Leadership: 1386 Politics: 1305

3. Epaminondas

Image of Evony General - Epaminondas

Skills for Epaminondas

  • Ground Troop Ares
    • Ground Troop Defense : 10%
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Ground Troop Assault
    • Ground Troop Attack : 10%
    • Ground Troop HP : 10%
  • Formation
    • Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Battle of Mantinea (4th)
    • Ground Troop HP : 30%
    • Mounted Troop HP : 20%
  • Military Legend (Special Skill)
    • Increases ground troops' attack by 30% and ground troops and mounted troops' HP by 15% when General is leading the army.

View detailed analysis for Epaminondas.

A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star Epaminondas has the following stats:
Attack: 1367 Defense: 1384 Leadership: 1382 Politics: 1299