Evony TKR (The King's Return) Guide
John Buford

Image of John Buford in Evony The King's Return
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John Buford - General Summary

John Buford is a legendary purple general in Evony The King's Return.

John Buford is listed in the tavern under America and costs 20,000,000 gold.

As a debuff general for subordinate cities, John Buford is one of the decent siege debuff generals, and is ranked 10th.

The maximum debuffs for John Buford are listed below by troop type:

  • Siege
    • Attack : -15%
  • Ground
    • Attack : -15%
  • Ranged
    • Attack : -15%
  • Mounted
    • Attack : -15%

You can obtain John Buford from the tavern.

As a primarily monsters mounted general in Evony, John Buford has mounted buffs of 60% in total when all specialties are maxed out.

The description of John Buford as a general:

The famous cavalry officer who fought for the Union as a brigadier general during the American Civil War.

Description of John Buford in Evony TKR

John Buford Stats

In terms of the total of the four general attributes, leadership, attack, defense and politics, John Buford is ranked 165.

At level 35 with 5 stars, John Buford would have leadership at 766, attack at 769, defense at 768 and politics at 699.

At level 1 with no stars, John Buford has the following stats:
  • Leadership
    Base:101 Growth:7.87
  • Attack
    Base:102 Growth:7.89
  • Defense
    Base:105 Growth:7.84
  • Politics
    Base:92 Growth:7.18
At level 35 with 5 stars, John Buford has the following stats:
  • Leadership - 766
  • Attack - 769
  • Defense - 768
  • Politics - 699
A fully cultivated level 35, 5 star John Buford has the following stats:
  • Leadership - 1266
  • Attack - 1269
  • Defense - 1268
  • Politics - 1199
A fully cultivated level 40, 5 star John Buford has the following stats:
  • Leadership - 1364
  • Attack - 1367
  • Defense - 1365
  • Politics - 1288

John Buford Skill and Specialties

John Buford has the following 3 specialties and special skill:

Based on general skills and specialties, mounted is the strongest type for John Buford. With all specialties maxed out, John Buford would have buffs of 40% to mounted attack, 10% to mounted defense and 10% to mounted HP.

Mounted Troop Ares

Mounted Troop Ares has the following attributes:

  • Mounted Troop Defense : 10%
  • Mounted Troop Attack : 10%
  • Mounted Troop HP : 10%


Hunter has the following attributes:

  • When attacking Monsters, Monsters Attack : -15%


Rush has the following attributes:

  • March Speed to Monsters : 40%

Tenacious Cavalry Officer (Special Skill)

Tenacious Cavalry Officer has the following attributes:

  • Increases mounted troops' attack by 30% and increases ranged troops and siege machines' attack by 15% when General is leading the army to attack Monsters.

Image of John Buford in Evony The King's Return
General John Buford in Evony TKR Specialties

John Buford Type Buffs and Rankings

As one of the monsters mounted generals in Evony, John Buford has a total 60% mounted buffs, counting attack, defense and HP.

A table showing the buffs by type, and how each buff ranks among all generals for John Buford in Evony:

Attack HP Defense
Ground ~
Mounted +40% *Monsters, Attacking
Ranged +15% *Monsters, Attacking
Siege +15% *Monsters, Attacking