Askia Muhammad I is a legendary purple general in Evony The King's Return.
Askia Muhammad I is best suited for Subordinate City Mayor or Trap Factory Officer given their skills and specialties.
Askia Muhammad I is listed in the tavern under Others and costs 40,000,000 gold.
Askia Muhammad I is also a required general for the art hall in Evony, as one of the generals to complete the Meritocrat set.
You can obtain Askia Muhammad I from the great general chest.
As a primarily defending siege general in Evony, Askia Muhammad I has siege buffs of 70% in total when all specialties are maxed out.
The description of Askia Muhammad I as a general:
An emperor, military commander, and political reformer of the Songhai Empire.
In terms of the total of the four general attributes, leadership, attack, defense and politics, Askia Muhammad I is ranked 131.
At level 35 with 5 stars, Askia Muhammad I would have leadership at 817, attack at 788, defense at 793 and politics at 856.
Askia Muhammad I has the following 3 specialties and special skill:
Based on general skills and specialties, siege is the strongest type for Askia Muhammad I. With all specialties maxed out, Askia Muhammad I would have buffs of 50% to siege attack, 10% to siege defense and 10% to siege HP.
Siege Machine Defense has the following attributes:
Trapping has the following attributes for subordinate city mayor:
Sage has the following attributes for trap factory officer:
King of Gold has the following attributes for trap factory officer:
As one of the defending siege generals in Evony, Askia Muhammad I has a total 70% siege buffs, counting attack, defense and HP.
A table showing the buffs by type, and how each buff ranks among all generals for Askia Muhammad I in Evony:
Attack | HP | Defense | |
Ground |
(91st) |
(49th) |
(45th) |
Mounted |
(109th) |
(63rd) |
(44th) |
Ranged |
(98th) |
(44th) |
(48th) |
Siege |
(22nd) |
(19th) |
(12th) |